Simple, Healthy Hot Chocolate Recipe for Kids
It’s a hot chocolate kinda day!
If the kids are having play dates or you’re planning a movie night tonight or over the weekend, try out this very simple hot chocolate recipe.
Yes of course you can use a hot chocolate powder but many commercial hot chocolate powders (@cadburyireland I’m looking at you …) are ultra-processed and very high in sugar. The Cadbury one has 68g of sugar per 100g compared to 15g sugar per 100g in the @lindt_ireland 85% chocolate I used.
Cacao powder would also be excellent in this recipe. I just didn’t have any and it’s too miserable to go out and get some!
@nibbed_cacao are a lovely Irish company supplying grated, anti-oxidant rich cacao for hot drinks. You’ll find them online.
Healthy Hot Chocolate
Basic recipe ;
- cup of milk of choice per child
- 70% or higher chocolate (I used 85%) or cacao powder
- sweetener to taste - I used @bionaorganic agave but maple syrup or Irish company @homespun chicory root syrup would also work
Check video recipe here.
Heat and stir until combined. Taste for sweetness and add more as desired. This type of hot chocolate is much richer that the powdered variety I find.